Thursday, October 7, 2010

Books we've read...

Books we've read lately, and recommend, but that don't need their own post.

Library Strategies

I can't be the only one who hates taking her children to the library. Right?


They never want to go.

And then: they never want to leave.

The security guards stalk young children, inappropriately correct their behavior, and hush them if they dare to be enjoying themselves. IN THE CHILDREN'S SECTION. Serious jerks, they are.

The line is always a mile long. On average, it takes me 20 minutes to get through that line. With 4 restless children who either don't want to be there anyway, or don't want to leave yet.

If this doesn't spell disaster, I don't know what does.

Thank goodness for late libary hours that allow me to go alone, or with only Ava and/or Emma, and the library hold system. I walk in, grab my books off the hold shelf, and check out.

The library is truly the cornerstone of our homeschooling education. We could not learn effectively without it because we do not have the budget for buying lots of new (or even used) books. Chicago is a huge city, with dozens of libraries, and the hold system allows us to pull resources from every corner of the city without traveling more than .8 miles from our home.

Brilliant. As much as I complain about our library (and I do!), I could never live without it.